Wednesday, October 24, 2012

eLab - New Release Coming Oct 17th.

New from Labyrinth Learning
We are continuing to improve and extend the functionality of eLab™, and two new releases are coming in October. You will see improvements to eLab for your courses, and the release of a new tool, the eLab Skills Evaluation Tool (SET), designed specifically for creating and delivering computer skills inventory tests and other evaluations.

Phase 1: Beginning Wednesday, October 17, you will be able to:
  • Copy Assignments. Now you’ll have the same ability to copy assignments that you’ve had with copying tests. Copy existing assignments to any course in your account.
  • Send Custom Messages upon Enrollment. You’ll be able to create a custom email message that will be automatically sent to students when they enroll in the course.
  • Improve your posts in the Discussion Forum. New editors have been added for improved functionality and ease of use for both instructors and students. And now you can attach a file up to 8MB to each post. 
Phase 2: On Monday, October 29, we’ll be releasing our new eLab Skills Evaluation Tool (SET), providing everything you need to create, administer, and grade computer literacy tests to gain an accurate evaluation of student knowledge. This tool is intended for testing only – no course management or training. You can confirm pre-requisite skills for computer or online courses, or demonstrate the skills learned following a course. A few highlights:
  • Flexible, Online Access. Testing can be done anytime, on any online computer. You decide when, where, and how often tests can be accessed.
  • Pre-enrollment or On-Demand Registration. Register students in advance so they are pre-enrolled at the time of test, or register at time of testing.
  • Comprehensive Question Library. Spanning introductory to advanced topics in computer basics, the internet, email, Microsoft Office applications, and more.
  • Highly Realistic Simulation Testing Environment. eLab SET uses the same simulation testing environment that you currently use.
  • Affordable licenses as low as $3 per student. eLab SET is an economical and easy way for institutions to test knowledge outside a regular eLab course.
With this release, we will be referring to your current eLab, with the complete course management functionality, as eLab Course Management System (CMS). Licenses for purchase on our website and elsewhere will be identified as eLab CMS licenses, while licenses for the Skills Evaluation Tool will be identified as eLab SET licenses. You’ll also see a few changes to your eLab interface, including the change from My Courses to My Courses/My Evaluations, and the option to create a new Skills Evaluation Test when creating a new course/evaluation.
For more information on our new eLab Skills Evaluation Tool, visit our website at

To accommodate these eLab upgrades, the Labyrinth eLab website will be unavailable between the hours of 12:01 am and 4:00 am EST on Wednesday, October 17 and on Monday, October 29.
~ Best regards from Labyrinth Learning

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